Saturday, April 02, 2005

kitchen unaccomplished

Ah, our kitchen.

It's not our favorite room in the house. But, it's livable, and this is a starter home, after all.

Our appliances are the same age as the house -- 21 years. And we knew they were going to go soon. About a month ago, in fact, our oven died.

So we shopped around for a new one -- and also decided to get a new dishwasher (since it's leaking a bit), a new fridge (since you can feel cold air as you walk by), and a new dryer (since it's taking longer and longer to dry things). Besides, places were offering a bulk discount on multiple appliances, so why not take advantage?

Then we realized... our 1984-ish builders' grade appliances are much smaller than the current supersize standards. Not only that, but our cabinetry is custom built around it all.


Bruce has a fabulous talent for redesigning rooms in a very space-efficient fashion (remodeling is a hobby of his) so he drew up a new floor plan, fitting in the new appliances. Now, he's in the process of taking it by all of our construction-savvy neighbors for a sanity check. We've been spending time at Home Depot every single weekend, sometimes buying, sometimes just doing research.

And it all seems to be working out. Hurray!

The appliances are purchased, but not yet delivered. We're also trying to figure out how to move the entire kitchen pantry into other rooms, and hot to live with only a sink, fridge, and microwave for at least a week.

But the plans are in motion. Party at Brooke's this summer to show it off!

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