Sunday, April 03, 2005

Um, yeaaaaahhh, Lumbergh for President

It was just a few weeks ago that Bruce and I realized... not only did Gary Cole play wisecracking characters in Office Space and Dodgeball, but... he's been playing VP Russell on The West Wing. As long-time WW devotees, I was shocked we never caught that before.

And now that Russell is one of the Democratic candidates for President on the show, and I've realized who the actor is, we've gone on and on about what would happen with Lumbergh as President.

Umm, yeaaaaah, you're going to have to look at that budget. You're going to have to come in on Saturday.

Yeeeeeaaaaaahhhh, Peter, did you get the TPS report on the defense program?

IMO, Gary Cole's character hasn't a snowball's chance in hell of winning the Presidency. But if so, it would be hilarious if they brought Peter, Michael Bolton, and Samir in for underling roles.

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