Monday, July 14, 2008


Have I found a genetic link?

Some of you know about My Feet. I have weird metatarsals that are slightly S-shaped, rather than the normal straight... as structural abnormalities go, it's one of the more common ones (Z-feet, skew-feet, whatever you choose...) As you might imagine, this causes different "wear patterns" than the usual, typically creates bunions, and just is overall biomechanically bad for someone as active as I am.

In my time in Denmark, I have seen several "fodterapi", or foot therapy clinics. It's unclear to me whether they are podiatrists/physicians, or whether they are glorified pedicurists, when I look in the window. But it has me wondering -- since my Scandinavian father also has (had, surgically corrected) a structural foot issue, is there some sort of link?

Or are the Nordic folks just more in tune with their feet?

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