Friday, March 18, 2005

beer so thick you can eat it with a fork

Last night, I had an interesting experience. I got home early from playing piano at band rehearsal, so Bruce and I decided to share this Austrian beer we picked up at Central Market. I can't remember the name off the top of my head, but it's a special beer brewed only one day a year. (And overall fairly inexpensive -- about $4 for the bottle!)

Well, it's the most syrupy beer I've ever had. Kind of a metallic tasting maple syrup, and I mean that in a negative way. Still, it's beer, and I hate to waste it, so I drank my half down in about 10 minutes.

Only when I was close to finishing my half did I actually read the label. This stuff is... 14% alcohol!!! That's about 5 times the US standard. So it was at that point that I realized... I just drank almost 3 beers in 10 minutes!

Woo! The rest of the night I was happy. Nah, not too bad. I actually have a pretty high tolerance, so I was just slightly buzzed.

An amusing aside: I love the new lime Coke commercial. There are a bunch of people dancing around singing "you put the lime in the Coke, you nut." Cracks me up! Perhaps I'm easily amused.

1 comment:

bkc said...

Two months later and she is still obsessed with this commercial...
