Thursday, March 17, 2005

cryin' in my (green) beer

Top o'the mornin', eh...

A mixed bag of rants today. I'm still reeling from the music thing last night, but I won't say anything about that again until I have more time to think.

I get chronic sinus infections. I'm currently searching for an antibiotic that will kill off this round, since the one I'm taking ain't doin' squat. As a result, I can barely speak.

The rant being... you'd think people in doctor's offices would have a bit more sympathy. I put in a call to them yesterday, scraping the bottom of the barrel to get any sound out of my throat.

Me: I have a question about...
Them: WHAT?
Me: I have a question...
Them: WHAT?

And it went on like this for a few more rounds until I finally got my point across. I haven't entirely been impressed with the desk staff there... if someone seems to have difficulty talking, don't holler WHAT? back at them!! A message was left with my doctor, who's out of town until tomorrow. Ah, such is life in the chronically-infected world.

I'm seriously working on my coding chops today. I made a small, elegant, yet simple change in a data analysis perl script we use in Genome World. Somehow that unmasked a deeper, more difficult issue that already existed downstream in the code. I'm feverishly (ha, pun intended) trying to convince my coworkers that I didn't create the new problem (heh) while at the same time, trying to figure out how to fix it. It's a good challenge.

Meanwhile... since UW made it to March Madness, all of the guys I need to talk to about said problem are in a sports bar drinking green beer. And I don't have any green beer right now. but if I did, you can bet I'd be cryin' in it.

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